General Notions of ANATOMY

general notions of ANATOMY

1. Bones

The bone, or tissue sseo ¢,, r ¡ered a form of connective tissue that makes up most of the skeleton. The system Esquel, diagnosis or skeleton (G. dry) of the adult consists of more than 200 bones that constitute the structure of AEO ‡ sustains the body.
Some cartilage Tamb, m ¡sÆo included in the system of Esquel, diagnosis (eg., The costal cartilages connecting the anterior ends of the ribs to the sternum). ‡ The links between the components of Aes skeleton articulates ‡ sÆo called AES, most of them allow movement.
The system Esquel, diagnosis consists of two main parts: (1) the axial skeleton, composed of crƒnio, spine, sternum and ribs (2) the appendicular skeleton, formed by the angles c ¡p pectoralis, lvico and limb bones.
The study of bones, called osteology. Although the bones studied in the lab ¢ river are dry and lifeless, because rowing ‡ ¡protective of their AEO in the bones sÆo ¢ rgÆos living body which change considerably ... As we get older.
Like other rgÆos ¢, the bones have blood vessels ¡neos, ticos lymph vessels and nerves can be affected by the disease ‡.
Osteomyelitis, an inflammation of the spinal ¢ ‡ AEO SSEA and surrounding bone. When broken or fractured, the bone heals. Bones used AOEL, P. ex. a paralyzed limb, suffer atrophy (ie, become thinner and weaker). The bone may be absorbed, as is ap ¢ s ‡ AEO loss or extra tooth. Bones also, m undergoes hypertrophy (ie, become thicker and stronger) when tm greater weight to support.
Bones exhibit different people varies ‡ aes anat "micas. They vary according to age, sex, character ¡¡sicas stica f, s of £, diet, ra e ‡ ‡ with different conditions aes gene, Endocrinol ¢ practices and technical innovation.
The Aes anat varies ‡ "micas sÆo useful in identifying the remains AEO ‡ Esquel, ticos, an aspect of forensic medicine (the relation ‡ ‡ AEO AEO and apply the facts m, physicians to legal problems).
The living bone tissue sÆo Arnold BATCH orgƒnicos and components that contm inorgƒnicos. Principally substƒncias intercellular material impregnated with minerals, mainly phosphate c Lucio hydrated, ie, Ca3 (PO4) 2.
The fibers in the intercellular material col genas give the bone elasticity and Endurance, while the crystals of salts in the form of tubes and stick hard and give it some stiffness. When a bone, decalcified in lab ¢ River by submersion for a few days in the ¡Dilu acid, its salts sÆo removed, for, mo orgƒnico material remains. The bone ret, m shape but est tÆo Maintained by flex that you can give an n ¢. A bleached bone Tamb, ret m, m its form, but its fibrous tissue, the ¡destroyed. In consequncia becomes brittle ‡ a, INEL Plastic and crumbles easily.
The relative amount of substƒncia orgƒnica inorgƒnica to bone varies with age. The substƒncia orgƒnica, the largest infƒncia, so the bones of the children ‡ bend a little.
In some dist rbios metab £ ¢ tems such as rickets and osteomal CIA, h ‡ AEO inadequate a calcified bone matrix. How oc Lucio gives hardness to the bone, the calcified areas AOEL-arch a little, particularly if sÆo weight bearing bones. This leads to progressive deformities, such as knee valgus.
Although the diagnosis ¢ Plastic rickets is suggested by enlargement cl ¡nico at the sites of cartilage plates epifis laugh, the diagnosis ¢ Plastic, confirmed by t ‡ ¡picas changes that occur aes radiogr you stay in the growing ends of long bones and ribs in these patients.
The most common fractures in children sÆo ‡ those in adults, because ... ‡ AEO combines his bones thinner and careless activities. Fortunately, many of these fractures sÆo very fine or greenstick type, which AOEL sÆo serious. In greenstick fracture, the bone breaks like a willow branch.
Fractures of the cartilage plate epifis laugh sÆo serious because they can result in premature fusion of the physis and di ¡p physis, with subsequent shortening of the bone; P. ex. , The premature fusion of one p ¡radial physis causes a progressive radial Maeo ... As the ulna continues to grow. The existence of p ¡fises AOEL-cast young people can be very useful in the treatment of them; P. ex., ‡ AEO puts staples through, s Board of cartilage in the knee epifis laughing stops the growth of the lower limb. SÆo leg bones normal sÆo tapped to allow the bones of the short leg to reach first.
Fortunately, the fracture has healed more rapidly in children than in adults the ‡. A femoral fracture that occurred at birth est united in three weeks, while the union takes at 20 weeks in people 20 years or more.
During the advanced age ‡ ada, and inorgƒnico orgƒnico components of bone are reduced, producing a condition called osteoporosis ‡ AEO. H ‡ a reduced amount of bone in the AEO (tissue atrophy Esquel, diagnosis) and consequncia, the bones of older people lose their elasticity and fracture easily. For example, senile people can air in a small trope ‡ boss while walking, feel or hear the lap of his fmur (thigh bone) to break down and fall chÆo. Fractures of the neck of fmur sÆo especially common in older women because osteoporosis, stronger in them than in older men.


H two main types of bone, spongy and compact, but precious AOEL h limits between the two types, since the differences between the ‡ they depend on the relative amount of substƒncia ¢ s read and £ n number and size of the space ‡ in each.
All bones tm AEO ‡ a tidy compact external substƒncia around a central mass of spongy substƒncia, except where the last £, ¡the replaced by a medullary cavity or space ‡ a, reo, P. ex., the paranasal sinuses.
The substƒncia Job consists of spongy, fine particles and irregular substƒncia compact branch out and unite with each other to form the interconnecting space ‡, which sÆo ¢ SSEA filled with marrow. The Job, particles of spongy substƒncia sÆo arranged in lines of pressure and tension. In adults, two types of h ¢ SSEA marrow, red and yellow.
The SSEA ¢ red marrow, active in the form ‡ AEO blood (hematopoiesis), while the yellow marrow ¢ SSEA mainly inert fat. In most long bone marrow cavity h in a body or di physis, which cont, m ¢ SSEA yellow marrow in adulthood. SSEA yellow marrow in ¢, most tissue hematopo, diagnosis, was replaced by the ¡fat.
The compact seems substƒncia ¢ s read, except for the space ‡ ¢ microscopic peaks. Its crystalline structure confers hardness and rigidity and becomes opaque to X-ray.
Sorts ‡ AEO bones. Bones can be classified as regionally axial (crƒnio, v, rtebras, ribs and external) or appendicular (bones of the upper and lower limbs and bones associated with them).
Tamb, m bones are classified according to their shape.
1. The long bones sÆo tubular-shaped and have a body (di physis) and two ends, which sÆo c "ncavas or convex. The length of long bones, greater than its width, although some long bones are small (eg., the fingers).
The ends of long bones articulate with other bones, so they sÆo dilated, smooth and covered with hyaline cartilage. Generally, the di physis of a long bone, typically hollow and presents three margins separating its three sides.
2. The short bones so sÆo ¢ cub go and found only on p, and wrist, P. ex., the carpal bones. Have six faces, of which four or fewer joints and sÆo sÆo two or more sets for AEO ‡ tendon and ligaments and blood vessels entering ¡neos.
3. The flat bones consist of two plates of compact bone with spongy bone and marrow between them, P. ex., laughing bald bones (bada cranial ab ¢), the external and esc jumps (except for the thin part of the bone). ‡ The space between the spinal cord lƒminas external and internal bone crƒnio plans, known as d ¡ploe (double G).
Most of the flat bones help form the walls of cavities (eg., Crƒnio cavity), so most of them, slightly curved to the inv, s flat. ¡In the heat of life, a bone plan consists of a thin layer of compact substƒncia for ma cord (eg., D ¡ploe) comes inside during the second infƒncia, resulting in compact layers on each side of the cavity marrow.
4. The irregular bones exhibit various forms (eg., Cheekbones ev, rtebras). The bodies of v, have some character ¡rtebras stica of long bones.
5. The bones pneum ticos cont, m cavities (c, squid) aer ¡beasts or breasts, P. ex., the c, squid aer beasts mast ¡¢ ¢ mast ideas on the idea of ​​the temporal bone and paranasal sinuses. ‡ Evagina Aes m mucous membrane of the ear, and days of the nasal cavity invading the medullary cavity, producing, respectively, c, squid aer ¡beasts and breasts.
6. The bones sesam ides sÆo n ¢ ¢ ¢ modules sseos rounded or oval that develop in certain tendon (eg., The patella tendon in the thigh framed ¡ceps, and pisiform in the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris).
These bones were named sesam ¢ ides because of their similar aa ‡ s seeds, samo. SÆo commonly found where the tendon crosses the ends of long bones in the limbs. Protect the tendon from excessive wear and change the ƒngulo tendon as it passes to enter. This results in a greater advantage in mecƒnica articulates ‡ AEO. The face of a bone joint sesam ¢ ide, covered with articular cartilage, while the rest are embedded in the tendon.
7. The accessory bones ¢ rivers develop when there is a center of ossification ‡ AEO giving rise to an additional bone, or when one of the centers AOEL usual merges the main bone. A separate part of the bone gives the impression of a bone supranumer river.
The accessory bones rivers ¢ p sÆo common and important to know them AOEL be confused with bone chips or fractures on radiographs.
8. The bones Heterotis ¢ peaks sÆo AOEL those who belong to the main skeleton, but may develop in certain soft tissue and ¢ rgÆos decorrncia of diseases in ‡ a. This type of bone can form in scars and inflames an AEO cr ‡ "single, character ¡stica tuberculosis can produce lung tissue sseo ¢.


The surface of the bones AOEL ¡cie, smooth and polished even in outline, except in areas covered by cartilage and where the tendon, blood vessels and nerves pass ¡neos grooves (eg., The intertubercular groove in the head of the ‡ mere £ groove and the radial nerve in his di physis).
The bones exhibit a variety of bosses will, depression and orifice ¡heats. Accidents dry bones found in any area where the tendon, ligaments and f scia were fixed. ‡ The AEO fixed muscle fibers of a century m £ AOEL cause any accident on a bone.
Accidents eat sseos ¢ ‡ am becoming prominent during puberty (12 ... 16 years) and become more pronounced in adulthood. Accidents are named to help distinguish them.
Raises ‡ actions. The various types of AEO ‡ increases in bone sÆo listed below in order of proeminncia. Examine each type a skeleton.
A linear or AEO ‡ raises some salient, such as a line (eg., The line [LMCCL1] superior nuchal occipital bone, and medial supracondylar line). Lines very prominent ridges sÆo calls (eg., The crest il ¡aca, and the crest spout £ p).

A raised rounded ‡ AEO, called (1) tub, circle (small protruding eminncia), (2) protuberƒncia (a ‡ tumefa AEO or bump, eg., Protuberƒncia external occipital). (3) trochanter (AEO ‡ raises a big blunt, eg., The greater trochanter of fmur), (4) or t £ ber tuberosity (large amounts ‡ AEO) and (5) evil, olo (raises a ‡ ‡ AEO similar ... it is that of a hammer).
A ‡ AEO raises pointed or protruding part, called the spine, P. ex., ¡il spine ƒntero aca-top, or process, p. ex., the spinous process of a v rtebra. The facets (Fr. small faces) sÆo small surface areas or species ¡a bone, smooth and flat, especially where it articulates with another bone. The articular facets sÆo covered with hyaline cartilage (eg., A facet of v, rtebra).
A rounded articular area of ​​bone, called it a ‡ (eg., The fit of the ‡ a mere £) or c "ndilo, eg., C" side of ndilo fmur. An epic "ndilo, a process just above a prominent c" ndilo.
Depression. Small hollows in the bones sÆo described as pits, while the long narrow depression sÆo referred to as furrows. A reentrƒncia beside a bone, called the notch, P. ex., the notch of the acet Bulo.
Foramina and channels. When a notch, closed by a ligament or bone to form a drill ‡ AEO or hole, called foramen (eg., Foramen magnum). A foramen that has extension, called a channel (eg., Facial canal). A channel has an orifice at each end ¡cio. A canal (a passage), a channel that enters a structure but AOEL crosses, P. ex., c £ stico the meatus or external ear canal.


The tissues develop from condensation ‡ mesnquima AES (embryonic connective tissue river). Mesnquimal The model of a bone that is formed during embryonic per ¡odo river may suffer direct ossifies ‡ AEO, called intramembranous ossification ‡ cea AEO (AEO form ‡ ¢ cea membran SSEA), or ¡be replaced by a model of the cartilage; the last £ becomes ossified ossifies by AEO intracartilaginous ‡ (as ‡ ¢ SSEA endochondral AEO).
In summary, membrane or bone replaces cartilage. The process of ossification ‡ AEO similar in both cases and the structure Histol magic ¢ end of the bone, idntica.
The AEO intramembranous ossification ‡ c and d occurs rapidly and in bones that sÆo urgently needed to protect rivers ‡ AEO (the flat bones of the bald laugh or wedding cranial ab ¢). The AEO intracartilaginous ‡ ossifies, which occurs in most bones of the skeleton, a process much slower.
Development of long bones. The first indicates ‡ ‡ AEO AEO ossification of the cartilaginous model of a long bone, vis Maintained by pr ¢ Ximo the heart of future di physis, called ossification center prim River ‡ AEO. The prim centers appear in rivers, pools several different bones in development, for, most ma ‡ AEO ossification centers occurs between 7 (and 12 (week of life pr-natal care. Virtually all centers are present at birth. In this , pool, the AEO ‡ ossifies from the center prim River have almost reached the ends of the cartilage model of long bone.
The part of the bone formed from a center prim river, called physis di.
At birth, ossification centers arise ‡ AEO additional cartilage at the ends of a long bone. These sÆo referred to as p ¡fises or secondary centers of ossification ‡ AEO rivers.
Most rivers of secondary ossification centers AEO appears ‡ p ¢ s birth. The parts of a bone formed from the secondary centers rivers sÆo calls fises p ¡. The p ¡fises or secondary centers of ossification ‡ AEO rivers of the knee bones sÆo the first to appear. May be present at birth.
The p ¡fises cartilaginous suffer the same changes that occur in the aes ‡ di physis. In consequncia, the body of the bone is covered by bone at each end, the p ¡fises, which develop from the rivers of secondary ossification centers ‡ AEO.
The part of the physis di more closely they match the pr ¢ p ¡physis, physis referred to as met.
The di physis grows by extension of proliferation ‡ AEO met cartilage in the physis. To enable the continued growth in ‡ aeo at length, the length of an adult bone is achieved ‡ ado, the bone formed from the ossification center prim River in AEO ‡ di AOEL physis is fused with that formed from centers in secondary rivers of p ¡fises while bone AOEL reach adult size. During growth of a bone, a lƒmina of cartilage known as plate or growth plate cartilage epifis laughed interpäe between the di ¡p physis and physis. For brevity, ami £ call card epifis laugh.
The di physis consists of a hollow tube of compact substƒncia surrounding the marrow cavity, while the p ¡fises and met fises substƒncia consist of sponge covered with a thin layer of compact substƒncia. The compact bone on the articular surfaces of the p ¡fises, quickly covered with a hyaline cartilage called articular cartilage.
During the first two years p ¢ s-natal ossification centers arise secondary rivers in AEO ‡ p ¡fises sÆo exposed to that pressure (eg., Knee and hip). These centers, often referred to as p ¡fises of pressure is located at the ends of long bones, which are subject ... pressure on the opposing bones articulates ‡ aeo they form.
Some centers ossifies ossify ‡ AEO secondary parts of rivers associated with a bone ... fixed £ m ‡ AEO centuries and strong tendon. These centers usually called sÆo ¡p ‡ AEO fises of work (eg. The tub, circles the mere £). These are subject fises ¡p ... ‡ AEO work more than ... pressure.
The plates of cartilage epifis ¡ria sÆo later replaced by the development of bone in each of its sides, Diaf epifis river and the river. When this occurs, the bone growth ceases and merges physis di ... s and p ¡¢ SSEA fises for union or synostosis.
The bone formed in place of the plate of cartilage epifis laugh, particularly dense and recognizable ¡still stable in the ‡ x-rays of children and adolescents. The knowledge of detail prevents confusion with fracture lines.
In general, p ¡physis of a long bone in the center of ossification for £ ‡ AEO appeared last, the first to merge with the ex physis. When a p ¡physis is formed from more than one center (eg., The proximal end of a mere £), the centers merge with one another before joining the ep with the di ¡physeal physis.

The changes ‡ AES in developing bones sÆo clinically important. The m, physicians and dentists, especially radiologists, pediatricians, orthopedic surgeon and orthodontist should be instructed about the growth of ¡¢ sseo.
A pool of appearance of various p ¡fises varies with age cronol ¢ Logic. How good are avail ¡BATCH tables references, AOEL makes sense to store the dates of appearance and disappearance of AEO ‡ ossification centers of all bones.
A radiologist SSEA ¢ determines the age of a person studying the ossification centers ‡ AEO. Two crit, rivers sÆo used: (1) the appearance of calcified material in di physis and / or p ¡fises. A pool of appearance specified for each p ¡di physis and physis of each bone for each sex, and (2) the disappearance of the dark line represents the plate of cartilage epifis laugh. This indicates that the p ¡physis merged ... physis and occurs in di, puddles determined for each p ¡physis.
The merger of the ep with the di ¡fises fises occurs within 1 to 2 years earlier in females than in males. The AEO determines the age ‡ ¢ SSEA, ami used in the definition of £ ‡ AEO approximate age of the human skeletal remains in cases call physician-legal.
Some diseases ‡ slowing the speed and other times ossifies ‡ ‡ AEO AEO as compared with age cronol indiv ¡¢ the magic duo. The growing skeleton, sens ‡ ¡ble to the relatively mild disease and transit ¢ per vacation and malnutrition ‡ ¡ny of AEO.
‡ The proliferation of cartilage in the AEO met physis is reduced during the disease mani ‡ ‡ and the AEO, AEO but degenerates ‡ c, squid cartilage proceeds in columns, producing a line of dense calcified AEO Provis ‡ ¢ ria, which later became bone with Job, coarser particles, known as growth arrest lines.
Without a knowledge b ¢ sseo musician growth and appearance of the bones in radiographs of various ages, would be able to confuse a plate of cartilage epifis laugh with a fracture or interpret the AEO separates a ‡ p ¡physis as normal. If you know the patient's age and the AEO finds ‡ p ¡fises, these errors can be avoided, especially if you notice that the edges of the di ¡p physis and physis sÆo gently curved in the region of cartilage epifis laugh. A fracture leaves a sharp edge and usually irregular bone. An injury that causes a fracture in adults can cause a displacement of a young man and P ¡physis.

Development of short bones. The development of short bones, similar to the center prim river of the long bones and only one bone, the calcÆneo develops a secondary center of ossification River ‡ AEO.
Supply Sangu ¡neo bones. The bones sÆo richly supplied with blood vessels that penetrate ¡neos from peri ¢ Steo, the membrane of fibrous connective tissue that covers it.
The art in di vacation periosteal come in at £ physis mere points and sÆo respons RESPONSIBLE for their nutritional ‡ AEO. Thus, a bone whose peri ¢ Steo, removed, die.
Pr ¢ Ximo the center of the di physis of a long bone, an art, laugh Nutr ¡passes obliquely through the CIA, the s ‡ achieved substƒncia compact and spongy bone substƒncia pa.
Some pressure p ¡fises sÆo, mostly covered with hyaline cartilage. Sangu have had their fill of the region ¡neo plate of cartilage epifis laugh. Such fises p ¡(eg., It's the fmur ‡) sÆo almost completely covered by articular cartilage and Sangu have had their fill ¡neo vessels that penetrate just outside ... margin of the articular cartilage.

The loss of supply to a neo Sangu ¡p ¡physis or to other parts of a bone results in tissue death sseo ¢, a condition called avascular necrosis ‡ AEO (necrosis or isqumica ass ptica) bone. Ap ¢ s all fractures, tiny areas cont ¡waters undergo avascular necrosis of bone. In some fractures, there may be necrosis of a large fragment of bone
If your supply ¡neo Sangu has been discontinued. A group of disorders in children and p ¡‡ fises the results from avascular necrosis of unknown etiology. SÆo referred to as osteochondrosis and usually involve a physis ¡p pressure at the end of a long bone.
‡ innervates AEO bones. The peri ¢ Steo, rich in sensory nerves, called periosteal nerves. This explains why the pain injury ¢ SSEA usually intense. The nerves that accompany the art, vacation inside the bones sÆo probably vasomotor (ie, cause constriction or dilation ‡ ‡ AEO AEO vessel ¡Nutr heats).


The bone structure varies according to their function ‡ AEO. In the long bones designed for rigidity and to serve as a fixed £ m ‡ AES centuries and ligaments, the amount of compact bone, relatively higher pr ¢ di Ximo the middle of the physis, which are subject to warping. The compact di substƒncia physis to ensure architecturally Endurance ‡ AEO holds weight. Moreover, as previously described, the long bones has raised ‡ (AES lines, ridges, tub, circles and tuberosities) that serve as buttresses in the areas where the m £ potent attach centuries.
Bones are living some elasticity (flexibility) and a lot of rigidity (hardness). The elasticity arises from its substƒncia orgƒnica (fibrous tissue), and stiffness, their pipes and lƒminas phosphate inorgƒnico c Lucio. Salts, representing about 60% by weight of a bone, sÆo deposited in the fiber matrix genas col.
The bones sÆo as wood-in-law to resist ... tension and as concrete to resist ... compression.
Inside the gun ‡ AEO compact external substƒncia, particularly at the ends of long bones, h substƒncia sponge that looks like chicken wire. The spongy substƒncia AOEL, arranged casually, but composed of tubes and that lƒminas sÆo arranged as anchors along the lines of pressure and tension.
The architecture of Job, sseas ¢ particles, peculiar to each person, a fact of value in identifying the remains AEO ‡ Esquel and ticos an important part of forensic medicine.
Fun ‡ aes bones. The main function of bone sÆo ‡ aes provide:
1. Prote AEO ‡ r ¡forming the walls of cavities GIDAS (eg., Crƒnio cavity) that contm vital structures (eg., The enc, phallus).
2. AEO maintains ‡ (eg., R ¡ered structure for the body).
3. Mecƒnica a base for the movement by ensuring fixed ‡ m £ aes for centuries and serve as levers for those who produce the movements allowed by ‡ articulates actions.
4. Form AEO ‡ c, squid sang? ¡Neas. The spinal SSEA ¢ red at the ends of long bones, sternum and ribs, v, and d ¡rtebras ploe bones plans crƒnio sÆo the local development hem stances, some lymph lymphocytes ¢, ¢ granule lymphocytes and blood platelets.
5. Storage of salts. C Lucio salts, phosphorus and magn f ¢, sio bones provide a mineral reserve for the body
2. ‡ articulates aes

The joint system consists of articulated joints ‡ AES or where two or more bones are related to each other in their contact region. The study articulates the Aes ‡, called Arthrology.
The Aes articulates ‡ sÆo classified according to type of material that keeps them, m together (eg. Articulates ‡ aes fibrous cartilage and synovial ¡neas).


The bones involved in this articulates ‡ AES are united by fibrous tissue. The amount of movement allowed in the AEO articulates ‡ depends on the length of the fibers that hold the bones.
Sutures. The bones are separated, but held together by a thin layer of fibrous tissue. The union, eh extremely tight little or no movement between the bones.
The sutures occur only in crƒnio, so ... sometimes called sÆo articulates ‡ AES "type injury." The margins of the bones may overlap (squamous suture) or interlocking air ‡ up (suture serr tilde).
In a rec crƒnio, m-born, the bones of growing bald laugh AOEL are in complete contact with each other. Where AOEL contact occurs, the sutures sÆo large areas of fibrous tissue known as fontanelles or font ¡centuries. The terms and fontanelles font vehicles ¡mean "small springs or sources." Probably received the AEO ‡ called because in ancient times would have been done in these parts of openings crƒnio bulging fontanelles in infants with intracranial hypertension in decorrncia. In such cases, ol cerebrospinal liquid (CSF) and blood that flowed probably resembled a source d 'water.
The most prominent font ¡culo, the former, which lay people call fontanel. The AEO ‡ separates the bones in the sutures and the font ¡crƒnio rec vehicles, m-allows them to swim during the birth-overlapping, facilitating their passage through it ‡ a, s the birth canal. The previous century font ¡AOEL usually present ap ¢ s 18 to 24 months of age (ie, presents the same width as the sutures crƒnio). The union of the bones in the pt, river, situated in the local font ƒntero ¡culo-side, six years to have occurred in about 50% of the children ‡.
The fusion of the bones through, s suture lines (synostosis) ‡ to eat on the inner side of the river or bald dome cranial ab ¢ ¡in the second heat of it, each and progresses throughout life. Almost all crƒnio sutures are obliterated in the very elderly.
Syndesmosis. In this type of fibrous articulates ‡ AEO, the two bones sÆo lƒmina united by a fibrous tissue. The tissue may be a ligament or fibrous membrane inter ¢ SSEA, P. ex., the margins of the inter ¢ r sseas radio and ulna are united by a membrane of the forearm inter SSEA ‡ ¢ o.
In the syndesmosis, can be made a slight movement to consider vel. The degree of movement depends on the distƒncia between the bones and the degree of flexibility of the fibrous tissue. The membrane or inter ¢ SSEA between radio and ulna in the forearm ‡, and wide enough to allow flex Maintained by Hamas is able, as occurs during prone and supine AEO ‡ ‡ ‡ aeo forearm o.


The bones involved in this articulates ‡ aes sÆo united by cartilage.
‡ Cartilage articulates aes ¡neas vacation Prim (synchondrosis). The bones are connected by hyaline cartilage, which allows a slight bending in the heat of life ¡.
The synchondrosis generally represent conditions ‡ aes vacation timer, P. ex. during the per ¡odo endochondral development of a long bone. As described previously, a plate of cartilage separates the ends epifis laugh (p ¡fises) and body (di physis) of a long bone.
An AEO cartilage articulates ‡ ¡nea-type synchondrosis allows bone growth in length. When full growth, reached, cartilage, bone and converted into p ¡physis fuses ... di physis; this, a synchondrosis, converted into a synostosis.
Other permanent sÆo synchondrosis, P. ex. where the costal cartilage of first rib joins the sternum man £ brio.
‡ Cartilage articulates aes ¡neas vacation Secunda (Nos. S ¡). The articular surfaces of bones in these articulating ‡ AES are covered by hyaline cartilage and cartilage ¡neas these faces are united by fibrous tissue and / or fibrocartilage.
The s ¡‡ Nos. sÆo articulates strong AES and few mov ¡BATCH. The Aes ‡ articulates with its previous intervertebral discs intervertebral sÆo ¡s classified as Nos.. SÆo Endurance and designed to absorb shock ‡ AEO. The bodies of v, rtebras are connected by an and the longitudinal ligaments, intervertebral discs is fibrous. Cumulatively, these discs provide a fibrocartilage ¡neos Consider flexibility Vel ... the spine.
Other examples of the sÆo Nos. ¡s ¡p £ Nos. spout between the bodies of the bones and articulates a. £ p ‡ AEO manubriosternal £ brio between man and body of the sternum.

During pregnancy, the Nos. p ¡£ ‡ articulated spout and other Aes Aes ‡ pelvis undergo changes that enable freer movement. It is believed that the ligaments associated with these articulated aes ‡ be "softened" by Horm "nio relaxin. The changes produced in articulated ‡ ‡ aes aes allow the cavity p, lvica increase, which facilitates delivery.

JOINT € AES synovial

The synovial articulates ‡ aes, most common and functionally important, typically provide free movement between the bones together.
The four character stica ¡t ¡‡ articulates a cock AEO synovial sÆo they tm (1) a joint cavity, (2) an articular cartilage, (3) a membrane s

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