Can Computers Think: The Case For And Against Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has been the subject of many bad '80's
movies and countless science fiction novels.  But what happens when we
seriously consider the question of computers that think.  Is it possible for
computers to have complex thoughts, and even emotions, like homo sapien?  This
paper will seek to answer that question and also look at what attempts are being
made to make artificial intelligence (hereafter called AI) a reality.
Before we can investigate whether or not computers can think, it is
necessary to establish what exactly thinking is.  Examining the three main
theories is sort of like examining three religions.  None offers enough support so
as to effectively eliminate the possibility of the others being true. 
The three main theories are:
1.  Thought doesn't exist;  enough said.   
2.  Thought does exist, but is contained wholly in the brain.  In other words, the actual material of the brain is capable of what we identify as thought.   
3.  Thought is the result of some sort of mystical phenomena involving the soul and a whole slew of other unprovable ideas.  Since neither reader nor writer is a scientist, for all intents and purposes, we will say only that thought is what we (as homo sapien) experience.
So what are we to consider intelligence? 
The most compelling argument is that intelligence is the ability to adapt to an environment.  Desktop computers can, say, go to a specific WWW address.  But, if the address were changed, it wouldn't know how to go about finding the new one (or even that it should).  So intelligence is the ability to perform a task taking into consideration the circumstances of completing the task.
So now that we have all of that out of that way, can computers think?  The
issue is contested as hotly among scientists as the advantages of Superman over
Batman is among pre-pubescent boys.  On the one hand are the scientists who say,
as philosopher John Searle does, that "Programs are all syntax and no semantics."
(Discover, 106)  Put another way, a computer can actually achieve thought
because it "merely follows rules that tell it how to shift symbols without ever
understanding the meaning of those symbols."  (Discover, 106)  On the other side
of the debate are the advocates of pandemonium, explained by Robert Wright in
Time thus:  "[O]ur brain subconsciously generates competing theories about the
world, and only the 'winning' theory becomes part of consciousness.  Is that a
nearby fly or a distant airplane on the edge of your vision?  Is that a baby crying
or a cat meowing?  By the time we become aware of such images and sounds,
these debate have usually been resolved via a winner-take-all struggle.  The
winning theory-the one that best matches the data-has wrested control of our
neurons and thus our perceptual field."  (54)  So, since our thought is based on
previous experience, computers can eventually learn to think.
The event which brought this debate in public scrutiny was Garry
Kasparov, reigning chess champion of the world, competing in a six game chess
match against Deep Blue, an IBM supercomputer with 32 microprocessors.
Kasparov eventually won (4-2), but it raised the legitimate question, if a computer
can beat the chess champion of the world at his own game (a game thought of as
the ultimate thinking man's game), is there any question of AI's legitimacy?
Indeed, even Kasparov said he "could feel-I could smell- a new kind of

intelligence across the table."  (Time, 55)  But, eventually everyone, including
Kasparov, realized that what amounts to nothing more than brute force, while
impressive, is not thought.  Deep Blue could consider 200 million moves a
second.  But it lacked the intuition good human players have.  Fred Guterl,
writing in Discover, explains.  "Studies have shown that in a typical position, a
strong human play considers on average only two moves.  In other words, the
player is choosing between two candidate moves that he intuitively recognizes,
based on prior experience, as contributing to the goals of the position."
Seeking to go beyond the brute force of Deep Blue in separate
projects, are M.I.T. professor Rodney Brooks and computer scientist Douglas
Lenat.  The desire to conquer AI are where the similarities between the two end.
 Brooks is working on an AI being nicknamed Cog.  Cog has
cameras for eyes, eight 32-bit microprocessors for a brain and soon will have a
skin-like membrane.  Brooks is allowing Cog to learn about the world like a baby
would.  "It sits there waving its arm, reaching for things."  (Time, 57)  Brooks's
hope is that by programming and reprogramming itself, Cog will make the leap to
thinking.  This expectation is based on what Julian Dibbell, writing in Time,
describes as the "bottom-up school.  Inspired more by biological structures than
by logical ones, the bottom-uppers don't bother trying to write down the rules of
thought.  Instead, they try to conjure thought up by building lots of small, simple
programs and encouraging them to interact."  (57)
Lenat is critical of this type of AI approach.  He accuses Brooks of
wandering aimlessly trying to recreate evolution.  Lenat has created CYC.  An AI
program which uses the top down theory which states that "if you can write down
the logical structures through which we comprehend the world, you're halfway to
re-creating intelligence.  (Time, 57)  Lenat is feeding CYC common sense
statements (i.e. "Bread is food.") with the hopes that it will make that leap to
making its own logical deductions.  Indeed, CYC can already pick a picture of a
father watching his daughter learn to walk when prompted for pictures of happy
people.  Brooks has his own criticisms for Lenat.  "Without sensory input, the
program's knowledge can never really amount to more than an abstract network
of symbols.
So, what's the answer?  The evidence points to the position that AI is
possible.  What is our brain but a complicated network of neurons?  And what is
thought but response to stimuli?  How to go about achieving AI is another
question entirely.  All avenues should be explored.  Someone is bound to hit on it.

Internet: Helps to Start New Business

I understand that some students that have already graduated from College are
having a bit of trouble getting their new businesses started. I know of a tool that will be extremely helpful and is already available to them; the Internet. Up until a few years
ago, when a student graduated they were basically thrown out into the real world with just
their education and their wits. Most of the time this wasn't good enough because after
three or four years of college, the perspective entrepreneur either forgot too much of what
they were supposed to learn, or they just didn't have the finances. Then by the time they
save sufficient money, they again had forgotten too much. I believe I have found the
answer. On the Internet your students will be able to find literally thousands of links to
help them with their future enterprises. In almost every city all across North America, no
matter where these students move to, they are able to link up and find everything they
need. They can find links like "Creative Ideas", a place they can go and retrieve ideas,
innovations, inventions, patents and licensing. Once they come up with their own products,
they can find free expert advice on how to market their products. There are easily
accessible links to experts, analysts, consultants and business leaders to guide their way
to starting up their own business, careers and lives. These experts can help push the
beginners in the right direction in every field of business, including every way to
generate start up revenue from better management of personal finances to diving into the
stock market. When the beginner has sufficient funds to actually open their own company,

they can't just expect the customers to come to them, they have to go out and attract them.
This is where the Internet becomes most useful, in advertising. On the Internet, in every
major consumer area in the world, there are dozens of ways to advertise. The easiest and
cheapest way, is to join groups such as "Entrepreneur Weekly". These groups offer weekly
newsletters sent all over the world to major and minor businesses informing them about new
companies on the market. It includes everything about your business from what you
make/sell and where to find you, to what your worth. These groups also advertise to the
general public. The major portion of the advertising is done over the Internet, but this
is good because that is their target market. By now, hopefully their business is doing
well, sales are up and money is flowing in. How do they keep track of all their funds
without paying for an expensive accountant? Back to the Internet. They can find lots of
expert advice on where they should reinvest their money. Including how many and how
qualified of staff to hire, what technical equipment to buy and even what insurance to
purchase. This is where a lot of companies get into trouble, during expansion. Too many
entrepreneurs try to leap right into the highly competitive mid-size company world. On the
Internet, experts give their secrets on how to let their companies natural growth force its
way in. This way they are more financially stable for the rough road ahead. The Internet
isn't always going to give you the answers you are looking for, but it will always lead you
in the right direction. That is why I hope you will accept my proposal and make aware the
students of today of this invaluable business tool.

Intel Knows Best: A Major Marketing Mistake

Problem Statement
      When Thomas Nicely, a mathematician at Lynchburg College in Virginia, first went public with the fact that Intel's new Pentium chip was defective Intel admitted to the fact that it had sold millions of defective chips, and had known about the defective chips for over four
months.  Intel said its reasoning for not going public was that most people would never encounter any problems with the chip.  Intel said that a spreadsheet user doing random calculations would only have a problem every 27,000 years, therefore they saw no reason to replace all of the defective chips.  However if a user possessed a defective chip and could convince Intel that his or her calculations were particularly vulnerable to the flaw in the defective chip then Intel it would supply those people with a new chip.   This attitude of 'father knows best' fostered by Intel created an uproar among users and owners of the defective chips.   Six weeks after Mr. Nicely went public, IBM, a major purchaser of Pentium chips, stopped all shipments of computers containing the defective Pentium chips.   Intel's stock dropped 5% following this bold move by IBM.  IBM's main contention was that it puts its customers first, and Intel was failing to do this.  
      Intel's handling of this defective chip situation gives rise to many questions.  During the course of this paper I will address several of them.  The first of which is how did a company with such a stellar reputation for consumer satisfaction fall into the trap that the customer does not know best?  Secondly, what made this chip defect more of a public issue than other defective products manufactured and sold to the public in the past?  Finally, how did Intel recover from such a mistake?  How much did it cost them and what lessons can other companies learn from Intel's marketing blunder so that they do not make the same mistake?
Major Findings
      Intel is spearheaded by a chief executive named Andrew Grove.  Grove is a "tightly wound engineering Ph.D. who has molded the company in his image.  Both the secret of his success and the source of his current dilemma is an anxious management philosophy built around the motto 'Only the paranoid survive'."   However, even with this type of philosophy the resulting dominance he has achieved in the computer arena cannot be overlooked.  Intel  practically dominates the computer market with $11.5 billion in sales.  Intel has over 70% of the $11 billion microprocessor market, while it's Pentium and 486 chips basically control the IBM-compatible PC market.  All of these factors have resulted in an envious 56% profit margin that only Intel can seem to achieve.   So what did Intel do to achieve this sort of profit margin?
      In mid-1994 Intel launched a $150m marketing campaign aimed at getting consumers to recognize the Pentium name and the "Intel Inside" logo.  In order to achieve this goal of  brand recognition Intel advertised its own name in conjunction with the "Intel Inside" logo and stated 'with Intel Inside, you know you have got. . . unparalleled quality'.   This provided immediate name recognition for the company and led the consumers to associate Intel with high quality computers.  Then Intel went the extra mile in the marketing world and spent another $80m to promote its new Pentium chips.  The basis for this extra $80m was to "speed the market's acceptance of the new chip".   The marketing campaign was a success.  Intel had managed to achieve brand recognition.  "Once the products were branded, companies found that they could generate even higher sales by advertising the benefits of their products.  This advertising led consumers to regard brands as having very human personality traits, with one proving fundamental to brand longevity  --  trustworthiness."   Consumers readily identified a quality, up to date computer as one with a Pentium chip and the 'Intel Inside' logo stamped on the front.  This "push" marketing strategy of Intel totally dominated the market, thus forcing the Pentium chip to the forefront of the computer market, all at the expense of the cheaper 486.   This "push strategy" of Intel made it plainly clear to its purchasers that Intel was looking out for number one first and its purchasers such as Compaq and IBM second.   Making the Pentium chip the mainstay of the computer industry was the goal of Intel, but a goal that would later come back to haunt them for a brief period of time.

      Throughout the history of the computer industry many manufacturers have sold defective products.  According to Forbes journalist Andrew Kessler, "Every piece of hardware and software ever shipped had a bug in it.  You better get used to it."   Whether or not 'every' piece ever shipped has had a bug is debatable, but there have been numerous examples of valid software bugs.  For example Quicken 3.0 had a bug that resulted in the capitalizing of the second letter of a name incorrectly.  Intuit, however, handled the situation by selling an upgraded version (Quicken 4.0) which fixed the problem, and left the consumer feeling as though he or she had gotten an upgraded version of the existing program.  In essence Intuit had not labeled the upgrade as a debugging program, therefore it had fixed the problem and satisfied the customer all at the same time.  While Intuit's customers were  feeling as though they had a better product by buying the upgrade, Intuit was padding its pocket books through all of the upgrade sales.  Other examples of  companies standing behind their products are in the news week after week.  Just a few years ago Saturn, the GM subsidiary, sent thousands of cars to the junkyards for scrap metal due to corroded engines, a result of  contaminated engine coolant.     Johnson & Johnson, the maker of Tylenol, recalled every bottle of  medicine carrying the Tylenol name and offered a  100% money back guarantee to anyone who had purchased a bottle that might be contaminated.   The precedence was already set, so why would a company with the reputation of Intel fail to immediately replace all of the defective chips it had sold?  Furthermore, why did Intel not come forth immediately when it first discovered that its chips had a problem?
      Intel's engineers said that the defective chips  would affect only one-tenth of 1% of all users, and those users would be doing floating-point operations.   (Floating point operations utilize a matrix of precomputed values, similar to those found in the back of your 1040 tax booklet.  If the values in the table are correct then you will come up with a correct answer.  This was not the case with the Pentium.  A table containing 1066 entries had five incorrect entries, resulting in certain calculations made by the Pentium chips to be inaccurate as high as the fourth significant digit.)   Considering the low number of people that the chip would supposedly affect and the high cost ($475m) associated with replacing the chips, Intel decided a case by case replacement policy "for those limited users doing critical calculations".    Intel's VP-corporate marketing director, Dennis Carter, stated, "We're satisfied that it's addressing the real problem.  From a customer relations standpoint, this is clearly new territory for us.  A recall would be disruptive for PC users and not the right thing to for the consumer".    This policy infuriated the millions of Pentium purchasers who had bought a PC with a Pentium chip.   Word spread like wildfire throughout the consumer world that Intel had sold a defective product and was now refusing to replace it.  This selective replacement policy  is a "classic example of a product driven company that feels its technical expertise is more important than buyers' feelings".   Intel was faced with a decision.  Should they take the attitude of brand is most important and we will take all necessary action to preserve it or take the attitude of what would be the monetary cost of doing the right thing and replacing all of the defective chips, and would it be worth it?  Initially they decided that the monetary cost of replacing all defective chip would not be cost efficient due to the sheer numbers involved.  Intel had sold an estimated 4.5 million Pentium chips worldwide, and approximately 1.9 million in the U.S. alone.   Intel later reversed its selective replacement policy (Intel knows best attitude) and came out with a 100% replacement policy.  What was the reasoning behind this change of attitude at Intel?
      As a result of the selective replacement policy, IBM announced it would stop all shipments of PCs containing the flawed chips.  This combined with the public outcry at having spent thousands of dollars for PCs that did not work as advertised, and the reluctance of corporate users of PCs to purchase new computers resulted in Intel changing its public policy concerning the defective chips.   Intel's new policy was to offer a 100% replacement policy to anyone who desired a new chip.    This policy entailed either sending replacement chips to those users who wanted to replace the chip themselves, or providing free professional replacement of the chip for those who did not feel comfortable doing it themselves.  Intel's new policy was in line with public expectations, but it had been delayed for several precious weeks.  So one might ask, "What did this delayed change in attitude cost Intel in terms of dollars and repeat customers?"
      The resulting costs to Intel were enormous in some respects, but almost negligible in others.  Intel's fourth-quarter earnings were charged $475m for the costs of replacing and writing off the flawed chips.   This was 15% more than analysts had predicted.  Fourth-quarter profits dropped 37% to $372m.   This was a sharp drop in profits, but $372m is still a number to be reckoned with in the fast paced industry of computers.  So did this drop in profits mean that Intel was losing its edge?  I tend to think not, since Intel reported that the sale of Pentiums had doubled between the third and  fourth quarters, thus lifting revenues in 1994 to $11.5 billion, a 31% increase.   Apparently consumers rallied around the new replacement policy and continued to purchase the Pentium equipped computers at a very fast rate, despite the initial reaction of Intel towards replacing the defective chips.  This renewed faith was not regained overnight, but nevertheless it happened, therefore Intel is unlikely to lose its commanding lead in the industry.   So what type of assurance was it that led to this renewed faith in Intel?
      Following Intel's announcement of its 100% replacement policy for the defective chips it recalculated its replacement policy on all future defective products. 

Bugged: Introduction to Bug

In our high tech world, what was once a complicated
electronic task is no longer such a big deal. I'm talking
about "bugging". No, I don't mean annoying people; I mean
planting electronic listening devices for the purpose of
eavesdropping. Bugging an office is a relatively simple
process if one follows a few basic steps.
First, a person needs to select the bug. There are
many different types of bugs ranging from the infinity bug
with which you can listen in on a telephone conversation from
over 200 miles away to an electaronic laser beam which can
pick up the vibrations of a person's voice off a window pane.
The infinity bug sells for $1,000 on the black market and the
laser for $895. Both, however, are illegal.
Second, one needs to know where to plant the bug. A bug

can be hidden in a telphone handset, in the back of a desk
drawer, etc. The important thing to remember is to place the
bug in a spot near where people are likely to talk. The bug
may be useless if it is planted too far away from
conversations take place.
Last one needs to know how to plant the bug. One of the
most common ways is to wire a 9-volt battery to the phone's
own microphone and attaching it to a spare set of wires that
the phone lines normally contain. This connection enables
the phone to be live on the hook, sending continuous room
sounds to the eavesdropper.
It used to be that hidden microphones and concealed tape
recorders were strictly for cops and spies. Today such
gadgets have filtered down to the jealous spouse, the nosy
neighbor, the high-level executive, and the local politician.

Bootlog in Standard Unix

LoadStart = system.drv
LoadSuccess = system.drv
LoadStart = keyboard.drv
LoadSuccess = keyboard.drv
LoadStart = mscmouse.drv
LoadSuccess = mscmouse.drv
LoadStart = vga.drv
LoadSuccess = vga.drv
LoadStart = mmsound.drv
LoadSuccess = mmsound.drv
LoadStart = comm.drv
LoadSuccess = comm.drv
LoadStart = vgasys.fon
LoadSuccess = vgasys.fon
LoadStart = vgaoem.fon
LoadSuccess = vgaoem.fon
LoadStart = GDI.EXE
LoadStart = FONTS.FON
LoadSuccess = FONTS.FON
LoadStart = vgafix.fon
LoadSuccess = vgafix.fon
LoadSuccess = OEMFONTS.FON
LoadSuccess = GDI.EXE
LoadStart = USER.EXE
STATUS=Mouse driver installed
LoadStart = DISPLAY.drv
LoadSuccess = DISPLAY.drv
INIT=Display Resources
INITDONE=Display Resources
INIT=Lang Driver
INITDONE=Lang Driver
LoadSuccess = USER.EXE
LoadStart = setup.exe
LoadSuccess = LZEXPAND.DLL
LoadStart = VER.DLL
LoadSuccess = VER.DLL
LoadSuccess = setup.exe
INIT=Installable Drivers
INITDONE=Installable Drivers

Introduction: William H. Gates

William H. Gates
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Microsoft Corporation

William (Bill) H. Gates is chairman and chief executive officer of
Microsoft Corporation, the leading provider, worldwide, of software
for the personal computer. Microsoft had revenues of $8.6 billion for
the fiscal year ending June 1996, and employs more than 20,000
people in 48 countries.

Born on October 28, 1955, Gates and his two sisters grew up in
Seattle. Their father, William H. Gates II, is a Seattle attorney. Their
late mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, University of Washington regent and
chairwoman of United Way International.

Gates attended public elementary school and the private Lakeside School. There, he began his
career in personal computer software, programming computers at age 13.

In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University as a freshman, where he lived down the hall from
Steve Ballmer, now Microsoft's executive vice president for sales and support. While at
Harvard, Gates developed the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer -- the
MITS Altair.

In his junior year, Gates dropped out of Harvard to devote his energies to
Microsoft, a company he had begun in 1975 with Paul Allen. Guided by a
belief that the personal computer would be a valuable tool on every office
desktop and in every home, they began developing software for personal

Gates' foresight and vision regarding personal computing have been central
to the success of Microsoft and the software industry. Gates is actively involved in key
management and strategic decisions at Microsoft, and plays an important role in the technical
development of new products. A significant portion of his time is devoted to meeting with
customers and staying in contact with Microsoft employees around the world through e-mail.

Under Gates' leadership, Microsoft's mission is to continually advance and
improve software technology and to make it easier, more cost-effective and
more enjoyable for people to use computers. The company is committed to
a long-term view, reflected in its investment of more than $2 billion on
research and development in the current fiscal year.

As of December 12, 1996, Gates' Microsoft stock holdings totaled

In 1995, Gates wrote The Road Ahead, his vision of where information technology will take
society. Co-authored by Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft's chief technology officer, and Peter
Rinearson, The Road Ahead held the No. 1 spot on the New York Times' bestseller list for
seven weeks. Published in the U.S. by Viking, the book was on the NYT list for a total of 18
weeks. Published in more than 20 countries, the book sold more than 400,000 copies in China
alone. In 1996, while redeploying Microsoft around the Internet, Gates thoroughly revised The
Road Ahead to reflect his view that interactive networks are a major milestone in human
history. The paperback second edition has also become a bestseller. Gates is donating his
proceeds from the book to a non-profit fund that supports teachers worldwide who are
incorporating computers into their classrooms.

In addition to his passion for computers, Gates is interested in
biotechnology. He sits on the board of the Icos Corporation and is a
shareholder in Darwin Molecular, a subsidiary of British-based
Chiroscience. He also founded Corbis Corporation, which is developing
one of the largest resources of visual information in the world-a
comprehensive digital archive of art and photography from public and
private collections around the globe. Gates also has invested with
cellular telephone pioneer Craig McCaw in Teledesic, a company that is working on an
ambitious plan to launch hundreds of low-orbit satellites around the globe to provide worldwide
two-way broadband telecommunications service.

In the decade since Microsoft has gone public, Gates has donated more than $270 million to
charities, including $200 million to the William H. Gates Foundation. The focus of Gates' giving
is in three areas: education, population issues and access to technology.

Gates was married on Jan. 1, 1994 to Melinda French Gates. They have one child, Jennifer
Katharine Gates, born in 1996.

Gates is an avid reader and enjoys playing golf and bridge.

Calculate Buoyant Forces Of Objects Submerged In Water

The purpose of this lab is to calculate buoyant forces of objects submerged in water.
The first step in the lab was to measure the mass of a metal cylinder, which was found to be 100g, and then to calculated it's weight, which was .98 newtons. Then next step was to measure the apparent weight of the cylinder when it is completely submerged in a bath of water using the formula Wa=ma*g , this was found to be 88.5grams. Knowing these two numbers, the buoyant force that the water places on the object can be calculated using the formula Fb=W-Wa , Wa=.8673n W=.98n Fb=.1127n

Part 2 of this lab consisted of weighing an empty cup, which was 44grams. And then filling another cup up to a certain point the if any more water was added, it would spill out of a little opening in the cup, the water spilled out could be caught in the first cup. This is done so that the water spilled out can be weighed and compared to a calculated weight of which the water should be. After filling the cup, the cylinder was put into the cup , allowing the water to spill out and be caught in the first cup. After the water had spilled out it was weighed, which was 8.3g, converted to kg was .0083g. The weight of this displaced water in Newtons was 0.081423n.
The percentage error with the buoyant force from step one was calculated using , this resulted, using .114 for Fb and .0813 for Wdisp, a 28.7% error.
After completing this lab, it has become more apparent as to how to calculate buoyant forces and how that information can be used.

Battle of the Bytes Macintosh vs. Windows 95

It used to be that the choice between a Mac and a PC was pretty clear. If

you wanted to go for the more expensive, easier to use, and better graphics and

sound, you went to buy a Macintosh, for the cheaper price, it was the PC. Now it

is a much different show. With the release of Windows 95 and the dynamics of

the hardware market have changed the equation.

On the other hand, Apple has made great price reductions on many of

their computers last October. You can now buy a reasonably equipped Power

Macintosh at about the same price as a PC that has about the same things. This

makes the competition much harder.

Windows 3.x have been great improvements over the earlier versions of

Windows, and of course over DOS, but it still didn't compete against the ease of

use on a Mac. The Windows 95 interface is much better than Windows 3.x. It

borrows some from the Macintosh interface and has improved on it.

Some improvements are the ability to work with folder icons that represent

directories and subdirectories in DOS. Windows 95, unlike the Mac, logically

groups data and resources. A Taskbar menu lets you call up and switch between

any software application at any time. Thus feature is better than the Mac's

because its use is more obvious. It clearly shows what is running and allows you

to switch programs with a single click of the mouse. Control panels have been

added so you can configure your hardware. There is easy access to frequently

used files. You can make very long file names on Windows 95 instead of short

and strange names that leave you wondering about, such as on Windows 3.x I

could not name a folder This is stuff for school it must be a lot shorter. The Help

system helps you implement its suggestions. A multilevel Undo command for all

file operations safeguards your work, something Macintosh does not have.

Something that Windows 95 has, similar to the Macintosh Alias function, is

shortcut icons. It calls up a program very easily, instead of searching through

your hard drive. The Windows 95 shortcuts go beyond the Mac's, they can refer

to data inside documents as well as to files and folders, and can also call up

information on a local area network server or Internet site. Windows 95's plug

and play system allows the operating system to read what's on your machine

and automatically configure your new software that you need to install, however,

this only works if the added hardware is designed to support it, and it will for a

majority of hardware.

All these things are major improvements, but hardware and CONFIG.SYS

settings left over from earlier programs can conflict with the new system, causing

your hard drive to crash. This is something all users of Windows 95 will dread.

Even though Microsoft has made many wonderful changes to Windows,

Apple is working on developing a new operation system, called Copland. It may

beat many of the Windows 95 improvements. Apple is still deciding on what new

things to add when the system will start shipping later in the year. Some new

things may be a customizable user interface and features such as drawers,

built-in indexing and automatically updated search templates to help users

manger their hard drives much more efficiently. The biggest improvement is to

be able to network systems from multiple vendors running multiple operating

systems. Like Windows 95, Copland will also have a single in-box for fax, e-mail,

and other communications. The disadvantage of Copland is it can only be used

on Power Macintoshes.

I would personally go for a PC with Windows 95. I choose it because of

the many programs that can be used on PC's. Whenever I walk into a computer

store, such as Electronics Boutique, half of the store is taken up by programs

that can be used on an IBM compatible PC. There is only one little shelf for

things that run on Macs. It seems that the more people use PC's. I have met very

few people with a Macintosh. I can bring many things from my computers to

theirs and the other way around without worrying, "What if I need to find this for

a Mac?"

Schools should use Windows95 PC's because of the many more

educational programs available for PC's. Since of the making of Windows 95

many companies now make programs for the PC. It may be a long time, if ever,

that they will decide to make it for a Mac. Plus since of the many people with IBM

PC's at home, people can bring their work to and from school. If everyone had

the same kind of computer on a network, students could go into the computers at

schools all over the world to use programs there.

So since now that the quality of computers are equal it is very hard to

make your decision. For those that are not computer literate, the best thing to do

is to go for the Mac because of the easiness involved in using one. This means

you get less choice of programs in a store, and if you go online, many people will

be using something different from you so you have no idea what they are talking

about. If you know how a computer is basically used, a Windows 95 PC will be

no problem. It doesn't take that long to learn. You will have a bigger choice of

programs and may be able to do more things with other people that have a

computer. It comes down to this choice. Most of the choosing will go to schools

because of the many using Macintosh computers, which most of Apple's money

comes from. It is only recently companies that made software for PC's that got

interested in making programs for educational purposes.

So if you are deciding a computer. I leave you to decide this. Windows 95

or Macintosh, the choice is yours.

I feel that this is the best journal entry I have ever written. It informs the

reader a great deal about the subject and it helps you make a decision that is

very important if you decide to buy a computer for work or home use. It is very

helpful because it can educate people in the world that are not computer literate

in a world that is being taken over by computers. Things such as the internet are

used by many people, and it would certainly help if you needed to know what kind

to buy so your would be compatible with someone else's. This entry tells that I am

one that is around computers a lot and have an interest in them.

Asts Advantage 9312 Communicator

The Communicator is AST's newest addition to the Advantage line of personal computers. The Advantage 9312 comes with a 28.8 kbps DSVD modem (Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data), Digital Camera, and a varitiy of software programs that let you interact with friends, family, or people on the otherside of the planet. This is where the 9312 picked-up its nickname the "Communicator".
The modem and its phone capabilities are what truely sets this computer apart from the rest of the personal computers. The 28.8kbps DSVD modem lets you talk on the phone at the same time you're using the modem features. It also works with the Intel analog video camera, which plugs into a video-capture card in the pc and can transmit pictures at up to 12 frames per second. And it also comes with Intel's Video Phone software, which lets you use that camera to see both yourself and the person at the other end of the line on the screen (this is assuming your conversation partner has the same type of hook-up.
Another advantage of the Communicator is AST's LifeLine which is a standard component of their technical support. This simultaneous telephone and data support, which makes use of Radish Communications' TalkShop software and the Advantage's DSVD modem, allows technicians to take information directly from your computer as soon as you authorize them to do so. Which means no more reading line after line of cumbersome configuration files, instead, the technician can download the files directly from your computer, make the appropriate changes and return them to your system in just a few seconds.
The Advantage 9312 uses a 166-Mhz Pentium processor which makes it fast and reliable. The 166Mhz processor has 64-bit Data bus and is capiable of dynamic branch prediction, data integrity, error detection, multiprocessing support and performance monitoring. The 166 also has 4GB of physical address space and its clock speed range from 60 MHz to 120 MHz. The storage system comes with a 1.44MB, 3,5" floppy drive and 2.5 GB hard drive which should give the user enough space , but if not an addtional hard drive can be added to the unit. Twenty four meg. of EDO RAM is used to allow large programs to be brought up with easy and speed.
There is 256KB of external cache.
The multimedia package has a 8x speed IDE CD-Rom thats backed up with a 16 bit Sound Blaster card, 3D sound wavetable , and amplified stereo speakers that are controlled by remote control, along with video MPEG playback, and a microphone.
Graphic are supported with 1MB of graphic memory, a 64 bit local bus SVGS graphic's card and is capiable of a resolution up to 1280 x 1064 x 16.
Included in the package is one infared remote control and receiver, video capture and T.V. tuner card, and one analog video camera with all this the Communicator is sure to be around for awhile.
The 9312 has two 32 bit ISA compatible I/O slots and five 16bit ISA compatible I/O slots. The interface has two serial ports, one parallel port, one PS/2 compatible mouse port, one analog VGA connector, and one keyboard port.
A full duplex speaker phone utillizes the 28.8Kbps DSVD data/ fax/ voice to set this modem apart from the rest. Which is a big plus if your using the InterNet lot and you don't have a dedicated phone line. The DSVD makes it possible to do both at the same time, talk on the telephone and manuver around on the InterNet.
The accessories include a high resolution, two button mouse ,Winows 95 keyboard, and thirty-one different software tiltes; which range from early learning for kids,to Lotus and Quicken, to Proidgy.
This system is topped off with AST's LifeLine voice and data technical support and a free one year, on-site warranty.

Technical Specifications

166MHz Intel Pentium processor
256KB external cache
2.5GB hard drive
One 1.44MB, 3.5" floppy drive
8x speed IDE CD- ROM
16-bit Sound Blaster card
3D sound with Hardware Wavetable
MPEG playback
Amplified stereo speakers
1MB graphics memory
64-bit local bus SVGA graphic
Resolutions up to 1280 x 1064 x 16
28.8 kbps DSVD data/ fax/ voice modem
Full duplex speaker phone
Two 32-bit PCI compatible slots
Five 16-bit ISA compatible slots
Two serial ports
One parellel port
One PS/2 compatible mouse port
One analog VGA connector
One keyboard port
High-resolution, two-button mouse
Windows 95 keyboard